7 English Pronunciation Drills to Improve Your Spoken English Fast


English pronunciation drills are one of the best ways to hone your spoken English, yet it takes both time and effort to learn proper pronunciation.

Practice twice every day; morning is an ideal time for this as it allows your mouth muscles to warm up for the rest of the day!

1. Listen to native speakers

Listening to native English speakers is one of the best ways to enhance your English pronunciation. Podcasts, TED talks or YouTube videos featuring native English speakers provide great opportunities to practice listening skills and mimic their pronunciation – helping you identify sounds which might sound similar in other languages but have different meanings in English.

Tongue twisters are another excellent way to develop your English pronunciation, providing the necessary practice of pronouncing consonants in each word correctly – something non-native speakers may find challenging! Check out Linguamarina’s helpful video below and start practicing today!

Movies or television shows can also be an excellent way to improve your English pronunciation. Watching native speakers can give you an idea of how your voice should rise and fall during speech – not to mention being a fun way to spend some time!

2. Speak to yourself

English pronunciation is a physical skill and needs practice to achieve fluency. Therefore, it is crucial that at least 15 minutes daily is dedicated to working on improving your pronunciation.

View English movies, listen to radio or podcast programs, and practice with someone who wants to improve their pronunciation. Mirror their sounds while trying to imitate both their rhythm and stress patterns of speech.

Create a poster listing the words or phrases that you are learning as a reference, then look up each term in an online dictionary (such as Merriam-Webster) for pronunciation information.

Listen more carefully to both your own English pronunciation and that of other people, both when speaking it yourself and when hearing another speaker speak it. Pay particular attention to both sounds as well as pitch – which adds dimension and “musicality” to English speech.

3. Speak aloud

Proper pronunciation is an integral component of speaking English. Without correct pronunication, others will struggle to understand you and you could even risk misinterpretation!

One way to improve your English pronunciation is listening to native speakers; we at EnglishClass101 provide many videos featuring native speakers for you to practice your pronunciation with.

Reading aloud can also help improve your English pronunciation by giving you the opportunity to hear how each of your words sounds and make it easier to pronounce them correctly.

Listening to songs and movies dubbed in English can also help to practice your English pronunciation by giving you insight into how native speakers pronounce their words, giving you a good idea of its rhythm and stress patterns.

4. Speak to someone else

Just as it’s impossible to learn piano by watching a pianist perform, fluency in English cannot be gained solely through listening – it requires speaking practice as well! For best results, working alongside native English speakers!

Practice with friends can be one of the best ways to hone your English pronunciation. They can help correct any grammar or pronunciation issues and encourage more practicing!

Watching shows or movies in English is another effective way to sharpen your pronunciation skills, as this will familiarize yourself with many new words and sounds, making them easier for you to pronounce. Record yourself and listen back later – this way you’ll be able to pinpoint any issues with pronunciation flaws more quickly!

5. Speak to a mirror

One effective method for improving pronunciation is speaking aloud to yourself. Though this may sound odd, this technique has proven quite successful. A mirror or video camera can record yourself and allow you to observe how your mouth moves as you speak; making correction easier.

If you find it hard to pronounce vowels e and i, backchaining could help. This involves building sentences backwards by adding words one at a time – for instance “I accidentally dropped the bucket” becomes “bucket–the –dropped”.

Experienced English pronunciation can also benefit you by watching movies or TV shows that feature English. Listen carefully, mimicking what native speakers say, and also keep subtitles on so that you can learn how to pronounce individual words and phrases correctly.

6. Speak with a pen

Language barriers may make English pronunciation challenging for non-native speakers, particularly if your native language lacks vowel sounds. To improve pronunciation, focus on individual sounds (phonemes) before moving on to phrases and words; think of this like building muscle at the gym – start small to gain strength!

Submerge yourself in English: Listen to music and watch movies featuring English dialogue while paying close attention to pronunciation and word stress. This will allow you to become familiar with its many sounds so you can pronounce them correctly.

If you are having difficulty with distinguishing English sounds, consider using a voice recorder to focus on each sound individually, while simultaneously being able to compare your pronunciation against that recorded file. This will force you to focus on every individual sound while giving you an opportunity to compare with what has already been recorded and evaluate where any errors arise in pronunciation.

7. Speak to a friend

If you know a native English speaker, ask them for assistance in improving your pronunciation. A native English speaker will likely detect mistakes you miss when trying to pronounce words by yourself; specifically when it comes to word stress or sounds that differ depending on which language is being spoken.

An English tutor can also be an invaluable way to practice conversation skills in English. He or she can listen to your stories and offer feedback on your pronunciation or translation of unfamiliar idioms or slang words that you may encounter during conversation.

Be mindful that practicing English takes daily or at least weekly practice to see improvement. By keeping these seven Pronunciation drills in mind, you’ll soon be on your way to speaking the language fluently! All the best!

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